Our Vision For Australia

Labor's National Platform

Labor's National Platform provides members and supporters in the community with a clear statement of Labor’s beliefs, values and program for government.

The document outlines the key priorities for Labor over the coming years. The National Policy Forum is responsible for preparing the draft ALP National Platform, which is debated and adopted by our triennial National Conference.

Download Labor's 2023 ALP National Platform here.

Labor's Constitution, Rules and Policies

Labor’s Constitution and Rules are available here.

Labor's Organisational Policies are available here.

Labor's National Code of Conduct is available here.

Labor's National Policy for Sexual Harassment Prevention and Response is available here.

Labor's National Policy on Bullying and Harassment Prevention and Response is available here.

Labor's National Complaints Handling Policy is here.

Labor's Reconciliation Action Plan

Labor's Reconciliation Action Plan is available here.