Vale David Combe (1943 - 2019)

Vale David Combe (1943 - 2019)

By Wayne Swan – President of the Australian Labor Party

Former National Secretary of the Australian Labor Party David Combe died on 21 September 2019, aged 76, after a long battle with cancer.

David, born 26 April 1943, became Labor’s youngest National Secretary in 1973 at the age of 30.

During his eight years at the National Secretariat, he oversaw four national campaigns and his professionalisation of the organisation and election campaigns helped build it to what it is today.

David built the party’s first national HQ and developed professional relationships with advertising agencies, pollsters, production companies which the party would rely on in the years to come.

He also revolutionised the party’s national conferences, turning them from concealed and private affairs into public events which are now the largest political gatherings in Australia.

His contribution to our party and the country was never forgotten. He will be remembered as one of Labor’s true believers.

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