2022 ALP Campaign Review

Today, the ALP National Executive received the final report of the 2022 Federal Election campaign review led by Greg Combet AM and Lenda Oshalem.

This review makes a number of important observations and recommendations which will provide our movement with the framework to establish a long-term progressive Labor Government.

The result in May was an historic one; Labor has only won Government from opposition five times in the last century.

While the path back to Government is extremely difficult for the Coalition there is no room for our Party to be complacent.

The Albanese Labor Government has spent the last 6 months providing Australians with stable and responsible Government, as well as fulfilling many important election commitments. It must continue to maintain this level of discipline over the coming years.

This review provides the opportunity to re-energise our movement, our cause and our values.

I want to thank the Review members – Greg Combet AM, Lenda Oshalem, Dr. Craig Emerson and Senator Linda White – as well as the staff in ALP National Secretariat, for their important work over many months.

As noted in the Review, “the 2022 victory represents an opportunity to establish a long-term progressive Labor government… our ambition to improve the lives of Australians is not limited by one election.”

Download the 2022 Federal Election campaign review


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